The Rotary Club of Houghton was founded in 1920. We have been providing “Service Above Self” for more than 100 years, serving the needs of our community and assisting in humanitarian efforts worldwide.
In more than 100 years, our fundraising efforts and community volunteerism have supported many local and global projects including:
- Portage Lake District Library Teen Center
- The Rotary Youth Exchange for high school students
- The Rotary Youth Leadership Award leadership program for high school students
- Sponsoring the Houghton Interact Club for high school students
- Sponsoring the Rotaract Club for college students and young adults at Michigan Tech
- Scholarships for high school students
- Donations to the Polio Plus Project to eradicate polio worldwide
- A major clean water and sanitation project in Ghana
- ShelterBox disaster relief supplies
- The Houghton Music Park
- Adopt-a-Highway
- 3rd Grade Dictionaries for Literacy program
- Little League Sponsorships
- Copper Dog 150 volunteers
- Salvation Army bell ringing
- Ushering at the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts
- Construction of the Kestner Waterfront Park Rotary Pavilion
- Replacement of the Kestner Waterfront Park walkway and improvements to the beach house
- Construction of the East Houghton Park boat house
- Sponsorship for portions of the Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly building and the Portage Lake District Library circulation desk
- Used medical equipment collected and donated to a hospital in Matamoros, Mexico
- Blankets for South Africa
- Dental equipment and textbooks for Jamaica
- Clothing donations to an orphanage in Russia
- Funding for clean drinking water projects in Haiti and India
And donations to many community organizations and many, many more projects.
The Rotary Club of Houghton meets weekly at noon at the Bonfire Restaurant at the Continental Fire Club. Come join us to learn about becoming a part of Rotary!